Quote of the Moment

They’ve done studies, you know. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. — Anchorman

Monday 2 May 2011

MOVIE REVIEW: Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow - 1999

Director - Tim Burton
Starring - Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Miranda Richardson, Michael Gambon
Screenwriter - Kevin Yagher, Andrew Kevin Walker
Plot - In the town of Sleepy Hollow a number of mysterious murders have taken place where the victoms have decapitated with their heads never found.  Inspector Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) travels to Sleepy Hollow to investigate these murders.

This is one of my favourite movies.  I have seen it so many times when I saw it was on TV today I just had to watch it!

First of all, the plot line and the mystery within the plot was written so well.  There are a few twists and turns during the film that leave the audience on there toes.  All the sub-plots were introduced in the film with ease.

Johnny Depps character, Incabod Crane, is wonderful. He is a lovable, quirky, cowardly, unique fellow that Depp portrayed fantastically.  Depp steals the movie with this acting, I couldn't see anyone else it this role, Depp was the obvious choice to portray this character while the writers were writing it. 
Another acting and character mentions goes to Christopher Walken as the headless horseman, he is so wicked, dark, creepy and evil and Walken did a great job. 

The settings in the film are so eye catching.  The loom and gloom featured in the town of Sleepy Hollow helped the film become even more creepy and mysterious.  It in my opinion was such a Tim Burton thing to do and it really payed of in the end, it added such an effect on the plot.

The ending was very well planned and intertwined into the film, it wasn't one of those films which introduces a character at the last minute explaining how he or she was the mastermind. The mastermind was in the film the whole time and was a character that I never expected until all the clues fit together, it gives the audience a chance to work out who it is throughout the film, like a film should do.

Best Part: Johnny Depps acting.
Worst Part: The wigs that the magistrates wear, they piss me of during the whole film.
Memorable Quote: "You're just in time to have your head cut off" - The mastermind


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